Unto the third wave, Arms and Hygiene. The names of some of the Covid-inspired sculptures by David Ngwerume
From early stages of the pandemic, when were all trying to come to terms with the new crisis, Zimbabwean sculptor David Ngwerume was already wondering how he could use his art to express what he and many others were experiencing while raising awareness of the virus within his community.
David besides his piece ‘Arms’ / Photo: Tafadzwa Ufumel-Getty Images
David’s piece ‘Unto the third wave’ (below) was selected to be featured in the ninth Beijing International Art Biennale which opened in January of 2022. “When I heard a third wave was coming, I called it Unto the Third Wave. I was encouraging people – let’s get vaccinated, let’s get ready for everything that is coming.” he comments in an interview.
‘Unto the third wave’ / Photo by David Ngwerume
In another interview, David explained that when the Zimbabwean government started to distribute vaccines he noted how hesitant some people were about getting the jab, and how these sculptures became his way of connecting to his own community hoping to send an invitation to get vaccinated, stay home and stay optimistic.
David’s work is outstanding. And another great example of how our creative outlets can not only help us navigate moments of crisis at a personal level, but also inspire and motivate those around us.
‘The new normal’ - ‘Mother’s love in the pandemic’ - ‘Wane the pandemic’ / Photos by David Ngwerume